Monday, 13 February 2012

Materials, Techniques and Processes

Material                       Techniques                     Process                  Safety Issues

Digital Photo      Layering, sizing and digital    This will be used to   Prolonged viewing of display
                         enhancement of source         produce a multi-       screens can cause eye strain,
                          material.                              layered digital           dizziness and nausea
Pen                    Darkens any pencil              Used for skeching     Ink in open wounds could led to
                          lines also making them         and planning              ink poisoning, could get hurt  
                          permanent.                         diagrams and brain    by the of the pen 
                                                                    storming ideas

Apple Mac       Finalized our paper digital    The software installed   Can cause damage to eyes 
                        by animating then, saving      on the macs was easy   and carries risk of seizures
                        each time so  if something     to use which made
                        goes wrong we can access    things alot easier
                        work from the save file.

Photoshop       Easy use of timeline and an     Used to produce      May accidently ruin a photo  
                       easy approach to stop frame   developed ideas       or alter a copywritten photo 
                       animation.                               though photo             resulting in legal action  
                                                                     manipulation             against you

A4 Paper        Devolve ideas on, easy to       By Using A4 paper    Could cause paper cuts
                      store (carry case/ ring              you can display         
                       binder)                                   small work in a        
                                                                     neat way                  

A3 Paper        Draw/write on.                       Can display large       Could cause paper cuts
                                                                     in a neat way           
Digital Photo   Can be edited or layered         a reference               Digital Photo files may be
                                                                                                      lost or misplaced and can
                                                                                                      be stolen online for
                                                                                                      malicious use

Digital            For different effects such as     Brushes make things   Digital brush files may
Brushes         wood or blood splatter, they     quicker because        contain corrupt data which 
                      can be designed or editing to    they are per- made    could  harm your computer
                      your liking.

Colour           Combined colour to make a new  Easy to hold and     Can cause bodily
Palette           colour, different shades used for    allows a surface      harm if used
                     different lighting                             to easily combine    inproperly
                                                                         colors used in

Ink               Stains paper which makes lines     Often used in        Often toxic, can get  
                    stand out more or make a nice      writing and has       into eyes and cause 
                    bold effect. Can also make a         various other          permanent damage
                    dripping effect.                              applications in 

Oil               Can be used to colour in a picture  Used to color      Eating may make you 
Pastel           it a waxy effect.                             with an effect       extremely ill
                                                                         similar to a 
                                                                         crayon but
                                                                         much smoother

Glue            Used to stick down loose bit of      Allows for objects   Fumes can be harmful,
                   work.                                              to stick together     eating may make ill
                                                                          or stay in place.
                                                                          Can also provide
                                                                          a glossy effect
                                                                          on some pieces

Scissors      Cuts though paper and card           Easily cuts                Sharp edges can easily
                   very easily                                     through paper           injure ones self or others
                                                                        like materials

Newspaper  The print are be used in art work    Print may be            May give paper cuts
                    if cut out also pictures could be       used in art  
                    used.                                             and can even
                                                                         be copied with
                                                                         putty. Also
                                                                         places on surfaces
                                                                         to keep them
                                                                         from getting
                                                                         paint or other
                                                                         color on them.

Coloured      Could be cut and made into          Used as a                  May give paper cuts
Paper           something else or drown on           more appealing
                    straight away.                               coloring surface
                                                                        or, cut to shapes
                                                                        for other images
                                                                        or crafts

Coloured      Used to add color to a pencil       Allows user to       Can easily puncture skin
Pencils          or pen drawing.                           color with the         if sharp enough
                                                                       same texture
                                                                       as a pencil
                                                                       would give

Rubber        Used to undo mistakes made        Can erase pencil      Can be a choking hazzard
                   by pencil.                                      or graphite marks      if swallowed
                                                                        or smudge to 
                                                                       give a unique effect

Paint           A more permanent way of              Used for color        May be toxic, can harm eyes
                  adding colour to a drawing             and permanent
                                                                       marks in art.
                                                                        It's liquid nature
                                                                        allows it to be
                                                                        easily applied.

Tissue        Soft paper that can be torn             Delicate paper        Very small and hard to 
Paper        easily torn.                                      that can be used      notice so could be slipped 
                                                                       or gentle cleaning     on
                                                                       or even be
                                                                       glued to a piece
                                                                       for decoration 

Charcoal    Can be used to get an ash             Gives a different      Choking hazzard
                  textured pencil line.                       color and texture
                                                                       than a pencil
                                                                       when used

Graphite     Used like a pencil but can            Serves the same     May puncture skin if sharp 
                  easily smudged.                            purpose as a          enough
                                                                      pencil but allows
                                                                      for easier smudging

External       Stores digital data which           Gives a computer extra    May suffer data loss
Hard Drive  can then be transported             space for memory 
                    safely.                                       and allows user to
                                                                     easily move files
                                                                     and data to other

Wax           If used in a drawing can            Provides a 3 dimensional   Hot wax can cause
                  really make it seem more           view of a drawing              serious burns
                  3 dimensional.                           or carved like
                                                                   marble into an
                                                                   art piece

Crayons     Give a picture a waxy              Uses a waxy substance    Choking hazzard
                  texture                                     to draw with any
                                                                  color imaginable.
                                                                 Provides a unique

Camera      Can take photo in daylight       Captures a still           Easily damaged, flash may
                  and at night.                             image which              cause seizures
                                                                 can later be printed

Tri-Pod      Keeps the camera still             Allows for steady       Can be used as a weapon
                  but still able to turn it               filming and easy 
                  keeping level.                          height adjusting

DV PAL   Records footage  from              Records and holds         If broken, may shatter
Tape         a camcorder and stores             video information and    into sharp pieces which 
                 it.                                             can be played                could be harmful
                                                                  back, re-recorded 
                                                                  or edited later

Sellotape   Sticks down any loose            Can be used to          Metal teeth used  to cut the
                 bits of work                             hold paper in             tape may be harmful
                                                               place or fix tears

Mouse      Commands the cursor             Allows for easy             Wire may tie around neck 
                                                               and convienent              and cause suffocation
                                                              control over computers

Chalk       A little like charcoal but        Writes on blackboards     Choking hazard,
                white but still gives the           and is easily                     dust from chalk may cause 
                soft texture pencil                  erased or smeared           sneezing

Card        Slightly thicker then paper      Often used to keep         May be thrown
                making it good for                  notes or in                     and hit in eye 
                building.                                 crafts                             causing damage

Microsoft  Write documents which         Used to write                Prolonged use may cause 
Word        could be used for research    and manage word          damage to eyes
                                                             documents                     and stress related  illness

Illustrator   Easy to understand drawing    Easily allows                May carry risk for seizures
                 tools, making editing vector     editing of vector
                 images easy                            images

Memory    Used to sort digital data,                                              Choking hazzard
Stick         making i easier to travel with    

Felt Tips   Adds color to a drawing          Has many different       Ink inside may be toxic,
                                                                colors and provides    could cause damage to eyes
                                                                a unique texture          if used incorrectly

Paintbrush  Used to paint with, comes      Dabbed into paint        Can be easily thrown,
                  in different sizes                      to hold and                   if broken could produce
                                                                place any color            sharp pieces that may
                                                                                                    injure someone, splinters

Water       Washes paint out of brushes    Used to clean              Can drown in it, may
                                                               brushes or mix             may also damage cloths
                                                                with paint to               or other things
                                                                make it less dense

Adobe      Easy to use animation              Used to compile/           May cause seizures
Flash        program, which uses                 edit/play pictures into    and stress related
                key frames to animate               animations or                illness
                                                                 even games.

Sound      Captures sounds which             Can record sounds       Can sometimes produce 
Recorder  can then be transferred             to be saved on a            high frequency feedback
               and edited digitally                     digital device.                that can be damaging 
                                                                 The sounds may           to ears
                                                                 be input or
                                                                 edited further.

Tablet     Used to draw digitally                 Allows user to draw    Delicate and can 
                                                                  in a traditional             break easily, writing
                                                                   fashion on a               with tablet pen may 
                                                                   computer.                 cause carpel tunnel 


Regular Rythem

Exmaple of Regular Rythem:

 I think these types of rythem are a little boring becuase they are just an endless patttern with no change, but theses rythems could be useful for more office looking designs such as blinds or a routleete table, because they are so basic they are easier to work with. The static example is a perfect exaplm showing that regular rythem is easy to read and understand. We know thats if the line is stright then we know that there is not activey going on at the moment but if the line moves up or down we know that there is a change.

Flowing Rythem:

I think flowing rythem pictures look at lot better because of the distance, it gives them a nicer feel making them look more realist.

Progressive Rhythm

Progressive rhythm is where some elements of an image is repeats but also changes slightly like in size for example. This is very effective because is sometimes shows a more natural look such as the building on the street seems to decrease the father down the street when looking down, giving off a perspective. This is a good example for progressive rhythm this rhythm is used alot in everyday live. 

Saturday, 4 February 2012

Discussion. How anime can effect us

"Discuss the rise of the internet with reference to cultural contexts and technological developments"

In the essay I'm going to discuss the rise of the internet with reference to anime and technological developments. The internet has changed our way of life and even our personalities.  Many people , mostly young people nowadays,  look to  the internet as a way to access fun activities or social aspects and one of these pastime activities is watching anime or reading manga. But as fun as it may be, the internet has both positive and negative effects. We are yet to discover just how powerful theses effects re because it can really change our lives and give us all sorts of experiences which could be good or bad. I'm going to use anime as a example of cultural context and explore how it has grown though technology. First, I'm going to start explaining where anime came from and how it developed into being accessible on the internet.

  "Anime is the shortened way animation is said in Japan"[1] which is where anime began in 1917, this is only the earliest known date, so for all we know animation in Japan could have been around for many years before then. But from our knowledge we have came to believe that Osamu Tezuka is the 'father of anime and manga' after his ground breaking and extremely popular manga 'Astro Boy' which took japan by storm and made its way over to the US in 1963 making it even more popular. Many cartoon artist liked Tezuka's art style and decided after his company 'Mushi production' went bankrupt started taking the shot light, one of the more well know companies were Studio Ghibli. This explains that anime started from the work of Osamu Tezuka and he interest in Walt Disney's cartoon led to anime, we know and love today and also a little of how it became global.[2]

From books anime began to spread on to other technologies such as TV and DVD. For most people this would have been the first time seeing this art style and they wanted to see more, which made it more and more popular. When people started have computers at home the internet was more common and companies started to put there materials online, which meant anime could now be accessed on the internet and viewed whenever and wherever. This made it easier to see your favourite animes when even you wanted.  [3]

At first it was quite time consuming because the internet used a dial-up connection which was connected to your land line. However, now with fibre optic broadband internet connection is much faster making viewing easier. 

The development of social networking sites has helped us bring anime out of books and TV and into the real world though cosplay. This is bringing an anime character to life though dressing up in their clothes and role-playing. With sites like Facebook and Twitter cosplayers can arrange meetings and exchange opinions. This technology gives us twenty-four hour access to our friends and gives us the opportunity to make new friends who share this activity. But cosplay outfits and accessories are very expensive and can not be found in store in many countries so many people look towards to internet to provide these things though online shopping. 

Cosplay has become very popular as it gives people the chance to bring their anime characters to live and interact with them making them more real and not just a fictional character. This makes people feel more confident in themselves when surrounded by people with the same interests makes them feel more accepted. But people can get lost in this activity making it hard for them to connect with the real world. It can also be very stressful to keep up to the fashion and the standards made by other cosplayers. 

It can be very expensive buying the clothes for cosplaying and because they are not available anywhere apart from online, you have to pay the set price or go without. Plus post and packaging which is more then the standard price which could be a problem for some people. Also because theses garments are shipped over seas waiting time is very long and it could be weeks before you receive your parcel. 

People also can share things such as pictures, drawings and videos with their friends or strangers on the internet, who can then comment on these media helping them improve. Now with the technology we have today we can connect other devices such as mobile phones, cameras and video camcorders and share the media we have gathered. You can store memory and travel with it using  memory cards and stick which depending on the size can hold any digital information.     

As you can see anime has really developed though our technology starting from a thought of one man to connecting to thosends of people in all sorts of way and stored or recorded on digital evidence for years to come. Now that we have this technology a small thought or idea such as anime could go worldwide by just a click of a button. I think that soon enough our technology would be so advanced that even a click of the button would seem primitive someday.


1. Brown Steven  T. Cinema Anime. Palgrave Macmillan, 2006, p. 7

2.Marwah Zagzoug (2001) The History of Anime & Manga, from

3. Alia Yumeka (2010) What is Anime? from