Digital Photo Layering, sizing and digital This will be used to Prolonged viewing of display
enhancement of source produce a multi- screens can cause eye strain,
material. layered digital dizziness and nausea
Pen Darkens any pencil Used for skeching Ink in open wounds could led to
lines also making them and planning ink poisoning, could get hurt
permanent. diagrams and brain by the of the pen
storming ideas
Apple Mac Finalized our paper digital The software installed Can cause damage to eyes
by animating then, saving on the macs was easy and carries risk of seizures
each time so if something to use which made
goes wrong we can access things alot easier
work from the save file.
Photoshop Easy use of timeline and an Used to produce May accidently ruin a photo
easy approach to stop frame developed ideas or alter a copywritten photo
animation. though photo resulting in legal action
manipulation against you
goes wrong we can access things alot easier
work from the save file.
Photoshop Easy use of timeline and an Used to produce May accidently ruin a photo
easy approach to stop frame developed ideas or alter a copywritten photo
animation. though photo resulting in legal action
manipulation against you
A4 Paper Devolve ideas on, easy to By Using A4 paper Could cause paper cuts
store (carry case/ ring you can display
binder) small work in a
neat way
A3 Paper Draw/write on. Can display large Could cause paper cuts
in a neat way
Digital Photo Can be edited or layered a reference Digital Photo files may be
lost or misplaced and can
be stolen online for
malicious use
Digital For different effects such as Brushes make things Digital brush files may
Brushes wood or blood splatter, they quicker because contain corrupt data which
can be designed or editing to they are per- made could harm your computer
your liking.
Colour Combined colour to make a new Easy to hold and Can cause bodily
Palette colour, different shades used for allows a surface harm if used
different lighting to easily combine inproperly
colors used in
Ink Stains paper which makes lines Often used in Often toxic, can get
stand out more or make a nice writing and has into eyes and cause
bold effect. Can also make a various other permanent damage
dripping effect. applications in
Oil Can be used to colour in a picture Used to color Eating may make you
Pastel it a waxy effect. with an effect extremely ill
similar to a
crayon but
much smoother
Glue Used to stick down loose bit of Allows for objects Fumes can be harmful,
work. to stick together eating may make ill
or stay in place.
Can also provide
a glossy effect
on some pieces
Scissors Cuts though paper and card Easily cuts Sharp edges can easily
very easily through paper injure ones self or others
like materials
Newspaper The print are be used in art work Print may be May give paper cuts
if cut out also pictures could be used in art
used. and can even
be copied with
putty. Also
places on surfaces
to keep them
from getting
paint or other
color on them.
Coloured Could be cut and made into Used as a May give paper cuts
Paper something else or drown on more appealing
straight away. coloring surface
or, cut to shapes
for other images
or crafts
Coloured Used to add color to a pencil Allows user to Can easily puncture skin
Pencils or pen drawing. color with the if sharp enough
same texture
as a pencil
would give
Rubber Used to undo mistakes made Can erase pencil Can be a choking hazzard
by pencil. or graphite marks if swallowed
or smudge to
give a unique effect
Paint A more permanent way of Used for color May be toxic, can harm eyes
adding colour to a drawing and permanent
marks in art.
It's liquid nature
allows it to be
easily applied.
Tissue Soft paper that can be torn Delicate paper Very small and hard to
Paper easily torn. that can be used notice so could be slipped
or gentle cleaning on
or even be
glued to a piece
for decoration
Charcoal Can be used to get an ash Gives a different Choking hazzard
textured pencil line. color and texture
than a pencil
when used
Graphite Used like a pencil but can Serves the same May puncture skin if sharp
easily smudged. purpose as a enough
pencil but allows
for easier smudging
External Stores digital data which Gives a computer extra May suffer data loss
Hard Drive can then be transported space for memory
safely. and allows user to
easily move files
and data to other
Wax If used in a drawing can Provides a 3 dimensional Hot wax can cause
really make it seem more view of a drawing serious burns
3 dimensional. or carved like
marble into an
art piece
Crayons Give a picture a waxy Uses a waxy substance Choking hazzard
texture to draw with any
color imaginable.
Provides a unique
Camera Can take photo in daylight Captures a still Easily damaged, flash may
and at night. image which cause seizures
can later be printed
Tri-Pod Keeps the camera still Allows for steady Can be used as a weapon
but still able to turn it filming and easy
keeping level. height adjusting
DV PAL Records footage from Records and holds If broken, may shatter
Tape a camcorder and stores video information and into sharp pieces which
it. can be played could be harmful
back, re-recorded
or edited later
Sellotape Sticks down any loose Can be used to Metal teeth used to cut the
bits of work hold paper in tape may be harmful
place or fix tears
Mouse Commands the cursor Allows for easy Wire may tie around neck
and convienent and cause suffocation
control over computers
Chalk A little like charcoal but Writes on blackboards Choking hazard,
white but still gives the and is easily dust from chalk may cause
soft texture pencil erased or smeared sneezing
Card Slightly thicker then paper Often used to keep May be thrown
making it good for notes or in and hit in eye
building. crafts causing damage
Microsoft Write documents which Used to write Prolonged use may cause
Word could be used for research and manage word damage to eyes
documents and stress related illness
Illustrator Easy to understand drawing Easily allows May carry risk for seizures
tools, making editing vector editing of vector
images easy images
Memory Used to sort digital data, Choking hazzard
Stick making i easier to travel with
Felt Tips Adds color to a drawing Has many different Ink inside may be toxic,
colors and provides could cause damage to eyes
a unique texture if used incorrectly
Paintbrush Used to paint with, comes Dabbed into paint Can be easily thrown,
in different sizes to hold and if broken could produce
place any color sharp pieces that may
injure someone, splinters
Water Washes paint out of brushes Used to clean Can drown in it, may
brushes or mix may also damage cloths
with paint to or other things
make it less dense
Adobe Easy to use animation Used to compile/ May cause seizures
Flash program, which uses edit/play pictures into and stress related
key frames to animate animations or illness
even games.
Sound Captures sounds which Can record sounds Can sometimes produce
Recorder can then be transferred to be saved on a high frequency feedback
and edited digitally digital device. that can be damaging
The sounds may to ears
be input or
edited further.
Tablet Used to draw digitally Allows user to draw Delicate and can
in a traditional break easily, writing
fashion on a with tablet pen may
computer. cause carpel tunnel
store (carry case/ ring you can display
binder) small work in a
neat way
A3 Paper Draw/write on. Can display large Could cause paper cuts
in a neat way
Digital Photo Can be edited or layered a reference Digital Photo files may be
lost or misplaced and can
be stolen online for
malicious use
Digital For different effects such as Brushes make things Digital brush files may
Brushes wood or blood splatter, they quicker because contain corrupt data which
can be designed or editing to they are per- made could harm your computer
your liking.
Colour Combined colour to make a new Easy to hold and Can cause bodily
Palette colour, different shades used for allows a surface harm if used
different lighting to easily combine inproperly
colors used in
Ink Stains paper which makes lines Often used in Often toxic, can get
stand out more or make a nice writing and has into eyes and cause
bold effect. Can also make a various other permanent damage
dripping effect. applications in
Oil Can be used to colour in a picture Used to color Eating may make you
Pastel it a waxy effect. with an effect extremely ill
similar to a
crayon but
much smoother
Glue Used to stick down loose bit of Allows for objects Fumes can be harmful,
work. to stick together eating may make ill
or stay in place.
Can also provide
a glossy effect
on some pieces
Scissors Cuts though paper and card Easily cuts Sharp edges can easily
very easily through paper injure ones self or others
like materials
Newspaper The print are be used in art work Print may be May give paper cuts
if cut out also pictures could be used in art
used. and can even
be copied with
putty. Also
places on surfaces
to keep them
from getting
paint or other
color on them.
Coloured Could be cut and made into Used as a May give paper cuts
Paper something else or drown on more appealing
straight away. coloring surface
or, cut to shapes
for other images
or crafts
Coloured Used to add color to a pencil Allows user to Can easily puncture skin
Pencils or pen drawing. color with the if sharp enough
same texture
as a pencil
would give
Rubber Used to undo mistakes made Can erase pencil Can be a choking hazzard
by pencil. or graphite marks if swallowed
or smudge to
give a unique effect
Paint A more permanent way of Used for color May be toxic, can harm eyes
adding colour to a drawing and permanent
marks in art.
It's liquid nature
allows it to be
easily applied.
Tissue Soft paper that can be torn Delicate paper Very small and hard to
Paper easily torn. that can be used notice so could be slipped
or gentle cleaning on
or even be
glued to a piece
for decoration
Charcoal Can be used to get an ash Gives a different Choking hazzard
textured pencil line. color and texture
than a pencil
when used
Graphite Used like a pencil but can Serves the same May puncture skin if sharp
easily smudged. purpose as a enough
pencil but allows
for easier smudging
External Stores digital data which Gives a computer extra May suffer data loss
Hard Drive can then be transported space for memory
safely. and allows user to
easily move files
and data to other
Wax If used in a drawing can Provides a 3 dimensional Hot wax can cause
really make it seem more view of a drawing serious burns
3 dimensional. or carved like
marble into an
art piece
Crayons Give a picture a waxy Uses a waxy substance Choking hazzard
texture to draw with any
color imaginable.
Provides a unique
Camera Can take photo in daylight Captures a still Easily damaged, flash may
and at night. image which cause seizures
can later be printed
Tri-Pod Keeps the camera still Allows for steady Can be used as a weapon
but still able to turn it filming and easy
keeping level. height adjusting
DV PAL Records footage from Records and holds If broken, may shatter
Tape a camcorder and stores video information and into sharp pieces which
it. can be played could be harmful
back, re-recorded
or edited later
Sellotape Sticks down any loose Can be used to Metal teeth used to cut the
bits of work hold paper in tape may be harmful
place or fix tears
Mouse Commands the cursor Allows for easy Wire may tie around neck
and convienent and cause suffocation
control over computers
Chalk A little like charcoal but Writes on blackboards Choking hazard,
white but still gives the and is easily dust from chalk may cause
soft texture pencil erased or smeared sneezing
Card Slightly thicker then paper Often used to keep May be thrown
making it good for notes or in and hit in eye
building. crafts causing damage
Microsoft Write documents which Used to write Prolonged use may cause
Word could be used for research and manage word damage to eyes
documents and stress related illness
Illustrator Easy to understand drawing Easily allows May carry risk for seizures
tools, making editing vector editing of vector
images easy images
Memory Used to sort digital data, Choking hazzard
Stick making i easier to travel with
Felt Tips Adds color to a drawing Has many different Ink inside may be toxic,
colors and provides could cause damage to eyes
a unique texture if used incorrectly
Paintbrush Used to paint with, comes Dabbed into paint Can be easily thrown,
in different sizes to hold and if broken could produce
place any color sharp pieces that may
injure someone, splinters
Water Washes paint out of brushes Used to clean Can drown in it, may
brushes or mix may also damage cloths
with paint to or other things
make it less dense
Adobe Easy to use animation Used to compile/ May cause seizures
Flash program, which uses edit/play pictures into and stress related
key frames to animate animations or illness
even games.
Sound Captures sounds which Can record sounds Can sometimes produce
Recorder can then be transferred to be saved on a high frequency feedback
and edited digitally digital device. that can be damaging
The sounds may to ears
be input or
edited further.
Tablet Used to draw digitally Allows user to draw Delicate and can
in a traditional break easily, writing
fashion on a with tablet pen may
computer. cause carpel tunnel
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