Saturday, 10 March 2012

Research Images and Meaning (Interactive Media)

The literal meaning of the image
Designed to inspire creative thinking.

The abstract meaning of the image
Creativity can be whatever you make of it.

The mood or feeling of the image
The picture itself seems to have a darker feeling than the intended purpose of the image.

The social, historical or cultural context of the image
Seems to be a relatively modern design technique for educational purposes.

The literal meaning of the image
It's a 3D pixelated image.

The abstract meaning of the image
That even a simple method using pixels can be creative and exciting.

The mood or feeling of the image
Has a sort of club music feel to it.

The social, historical or cultural context of the image
This image is modern and seems to be at least loosely related to rave or something.

The literal meaning of the image
A hand with labeled parts.

The abstract meaning of the image
Each individual skill learned combines to make a single, fully functional whole.

The mood or feeling of the image
The bright lighting gives it sort of a divine feeling.

The social, historical or cultural context of the image
I'd say that it is a modern image made for our course!

The literal meaning of the image
A keyboard on a screen.

The abstract meaning of the image
Appears to be touchscreen so it could be something about learning to use new technology.

The mood or feeling of the image
A relaxed setting and the position of the hand seems to suggest a sort of hesitation or curiosity.

The social, historical or cultural context of the image
Modern image meant for people who use computers.

The literal meaning of the image
People are mostly blue?

The abstract meaning of the image
Some people have unique characteristics that can be improved upon.

The mood or feeling of the image
The art style is very linear which is boring but the bright colors provide the opposite effect.

The social, historical or cultural context of the image
It's a modern image that speaks to the individuality of people in general.

The literal meaning of the image
Guys with black hair should not wear orange.

The abstract meaning of the image
It looks like the guy watching the image could be one of the people in it so, it may be a memory of some sort that he wants to change.

The mood or feeling of the image
The mood is interesting because everything other than the image generator and the person is completely dark.

The social, historical or cultural context of the image
A modern image with a futuristic feel. Likely aimed at a teenaged audience.

The literal meaning of the image
It looks like a maze of pictures.

The abstract meaning of the image
The pictures could be a sort of path or timeline of something.

The mood or feeling of the image
It makes me think of computer circuits.

The social, historical or cultural context of the image
It has to be a fairly modern image though, the fashion style in some of the images seems to be a bit older.

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