Monday, 12 March 2012

Visual Languages - Deep Space

 Im this this exercise we learned about deep space which is the term used to describe when you give an image perspective such as foreground, middle ground and background so here is an example of me using deep space in my work. 

I think deep space is really important when your trying to give an image a more real feeling to it and will be very useful in the future. 
Before doing the deep space exercise we needed some experience using illustrator so we did this ying and yan sign which also represents that all things need balance ( as in light and dark) and they life and feed of each other. (One cant excise without the other)

In this exercise we had to make a drawing of a man being attacked by and a bird and using simple shapes. I think this was to show us that deep space can be done even with the simplest of shapes so it can also be done with much harder shapes. I found this not so hard as I did when I did the city space with mountain but because I did this after It made it a lot easier. I now know what I'm doing and what i need to do to imply the deep space.  

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